Gale is a human wizard from Waterdeep with a mysterious condition that forces him to consume Weave from magical items to survive. Unable to find a cure, he had spent a year locked in a tower but was forced to leave it once his supply of artifacts ran dry. He was then captured by mind flayers and tadpoled.
Visual resource name | Visual resource ID |
HUM_M_ARM_Robe_A_Body | 55ac285b-cf5b-10ff-fb13-e15871509bc2 |
HUM_M_ARM_Padded_A_Pants | f0d258d2-e455-8c1e-cd8d-90e32862c559 |
HUM_M_ARM_Footwear_Cloth_B | 17e745a7-979d-bf02-05ce-745ed33409b8 |
The latest #ESO datamine with future Crown Store items from Update 43 on PTS is up on the website now! 🔥https://t.co/DoN9AQ1wWW pic.twitter.com/hmRUZRU6Wr
— ESO Model Viewer (@esomodelviewer) July 9, 2024