X 0.99 m・Y 2.25 m・Z 0.44 m
The Anchorite is a mysterious young woman who arrived in Fargrave one day with no memories of her prior life and an enchanted mask on her face that nobody can remove. She decided to stay in Fargrave and has since been helping other mortals survive in the city.
French | Anachorète |
German | Anachoretin |
Spanish | La anacoreta |
Russian | Отшельница |
Japanese | 隠者 |
The latest #ESO datamine with future Crown Store items from Update 43 on PTS is up on the website now! 🔥https://t.co/DoN9AQ1wWW pic.twitter.com/hmRUZRU6Wr
— ESO Model Viewer (@esomodelviewer) July 9, 2024