
Xivkyn Male (1)

Xivkyn are powerful humanoid Daedra created by Molag Bal. They are a fusion of Dremora ("Kyn") and Xivilai, and are encountered throughout the Imperial City. They can also be found at Dark Anchors.


This model is used for generic Xivkyn Banelords, Dread Xivkyn Banelords, Xivkyn Bulwarks, Xivkyn Eviscerators, Xivkyn Hammerfists and Xivkyn Louts and for the following unique Xivkyn:

  • Brell the Spinecracker
  • Kazarvel Scathe-Knight
  • Zolgar the Brutal

The Xivkyn Dreadguard polymorph also uses this model.
