
Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat 9) (2)

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Orphaned at a very young age, Liu Kang was raised by Shaolin monks, who taught him the way of the spiritual warrior. They soon recognized his potential as a contender for the Mortal Kombat tournament and rigorously trained him for this task. Raiden, too, understood that Liu Kang was Earthrealm's best hope for freedom and introduced him to Master Bo' Rai Cho to further his development. Once fully trained, Liu Kang bested all challengers and earned the high honor of representing the Shaolin in the Mortal Kombat tournament. He and Raiden then embarked on their fateful journey to Shang Tsung's island to compete in this pivotal kontest.

Source: in-game bio.

This model is used for the alternate costume of Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat 9. It can be unlocked in the Krypt or by beating the Arcade Ladder mode with Liu Kang.
